Additional Educational Needs
Frequently asked questions:
My child has needs currently supported by their primary school. How will Arden know about this?
- In the Summer Term of Year 6, Mr Anwar (Director of Learning Support) and Mrs Whitney (Assistant Director of Learning Support) will visit primary schools to collect all appropriate information from junior school SENCO's and class teachers.
- Our in depth transition process ensures that we have a comprehensive overview of our children's needs prior to them starting in Year 7. On the first day of term in September, all of our staff are issued with Learning support notes to identify and inform them of children in their classes with Special Educational Needs.
- We liaise with External services to ensure that all notes are passed on to us.
- Primary SENCos (SEN Co-ordinators) contact us or invite us to join review meetings near the end of Year 6.
- Some parents may come in to meet with Mr Anwar before their child arrives in September. This can be arranged by contacting the Learning Zone Office.
How will my child be placed in appropriate teaching groups?
- We carry out baseline testing assessments in reading, spelling and numeracy to ensure that we are aware of children's levels in these core learning skills.
- All Year 7 children complete MIDYSIS tests.
- We receive the Key Stage 2 SATs results / Teacher assessments.
- With the exception of Maths, our Year 7 classes are taught in mixed ability groups.
My child is on their primary school SEN Register. What happens when they transfer to Arden?
- The SEN Code of Practice designation (e.g. SEN Support) is maintained where appropriate. Liaison with feeder schools provides us with the information we need to determine whether or not the pupil needs to remain on the Special Educational Needs register.
- All teaching staff will be informed via email and the circulation of learning support notes.
- Students with an EHCP of SEN will be issued with a Student Learning Plan to ensure delivery of Quality First Teaching.
My Child has an EHCP of Special Educational Needs. What happens when they transfer to Arden?
- The Local Education Authority will notify us of this and send copies of the EHCP. We will then study the EHCP during the summer term of your child's year 6 to ensure that appropriate provision is in place for Year 7.
- The main details and teaching strategies of the EHCP will be circulated to staff as part of the learning support notes.
- We will respond to the demands of the EHCP and where necessary discuss provision with our external specialists.
- As a part of the transition process children with EHCP are invited along with some other children who we feel would benefit from an additional open morning where children are able to meet LSA's, ask questions and familiarise themselves with the school and the department.
Will there be any support mechanisms in place during Year 7?
- The Learning Zone operates an open door policy where children can come and seek support at any time. We are specifically open before school, at break and lunch times and after school.
- In addition each form group is collected from and taken to lessons by our senior pupils.
- We operate reading, spelling and social skills groups for those children identified as needing support in those areas. Pupils are identified for this during our baseline assessments in the first half term.
- Identified children are also provided with a Peer Mentor who will meet with them on a weekly basis to discuss school and things in general. The Peer Mentor also becomes a friendly older face in the playground community.
One of the following agencies was involved with my child at primary school. What does this mean for their transfer to Arden?
- Educational Psychology Service (EPS)
- SISS HI Team
- SISS VI Team
- SISS PD Team
- The work of some of these agencies continues irrespective of transfer and we will be informed and contacted by them, as will parents.
- Records of all previous involvement are sent to us.
My child has learning/social/emotional needs. What role can we play to support them and to help the school to support them?
- It is crucial to remember that we have a shared goal of ensuring that your child is happy and successful, in order to do this it is essential that we apply the same encouragement, rewards and sanctions and provide a consistent and well communicated level of support.
- Keeping in close contact is absolutely crucial to ensuring a happy and successful education. If any problems occur at school, at home or both, regular phone contact is encouraged, particularly in difficult circumstances. Nipping negative signs, however small, in the bud is the one recognisable successful way to avoid problems growing.
Who do we contact at the school to ask questions or pass on information?
All matters/general matters: Form tutor
More significant concerns: Head of Year
Learning Support/SEN Matters: Mr Anwar/Ms Ridler/Mrs Baylis