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Arden Sixth Form Bursary

The Department for Education has allocated an amount of money to Arden to allow the school to grant bursaries to students on low incomes to contribute towards the costs of studying in the Sixth Form.



To be eligible to receive a bursary you must be a full time student at Arden Sixth Form and be aged under 19 on 31st  August in the academic year in which you begin your programme.


The two levels of payment at Arden are as follows:

Level One

Students who are in or have recently left local authority care or are in receipt of universal credit or Personal Independence Payments.

Level Two

Students with a household income of less than £28,000 per year.


How the funds will be paid

Those eligible for the bursary, will submit claim forms (forms will be provided) attaching receipts for all expenses/purchases which will then be verified and paid directly into student bank accounts. These can be submitted to the Sixth Form office at any time throughout the academic year not just at the end of the term. Funds will be paid directly into the bank account that you provide in your application form. We recommend that you discuss any potential purchases with Mrs Kirby or Mr White before committing to buy so we can confirm whether or not they can be funded by the Sixth Form Bursary.


Students that qualify for the Sixth Form bursary can claim up to £100 for the cost of appropriate business wear in accordance with our Business Dress Code in Year 12 and up to £50 in Year 13. To claim back these costs, students are advised to confirm with Mrs Kirby that their intended purchases are appropriate. We will not refund the purchase of items that do not meet the requirements of the Business Dress code. Other suitable costs that can be covered by bursary funds include the following


  • Curricular School trips within the UK

  • Laptops to support independent study at home (these will be purchased by the school and will remain the property of Arden Academy, being returned at the end of a student’s studies).

  • School related travel expenses (such as a bus pass)

  • School Stationery (Folders, plastic wallets, pens, calculators, etc)

  • Text Books

  • Revision Guides and Materials

  • UCAS Application Costs


The Process you should follow

If you are eligible for a bursary on any one of the levels, you should apply as soon as possible. All applicants are required to complete the application form and submit evidence to support your application. This evidence may be a P60, letters or emails confirming benefits that you are in receipt of and other evidence of household income. This evidence is a requirement in accordance with Government guidelines for the Bursary Auditors. We would like to strongly encourage any students that feel that they may be eligible to apply. Please note that students will need to reapply again in Year 13 even if they were granted the bursary in Year 12.


For more details of the scheme please visit the following web site:


Below is our 2024/25 Arden Sixth Form Bursary Application: