Year 11 Fancy Dress 2017
Unfortunately the morning of the Year 11's fancy dress day dawned cold and wet but that didn't dampen the spirits of our intrepid Year 11 students! They arrived at school a little sodden but nonetheless enthusiastic for the day ahead. As always there was a wonderful array of costumes - individual efforts and group themes alike. To see the gallery of photographs please follow the link.
The celebrations began with a concert in the School hall with a variety of performances that thrilled the audience - especially the show put on by the staff! After lunch, the students enjoyed some better weather and had a great deal of fun participating in some organised games. Year books were distributed and then came the final assembly with a much-enjoyed video of Arden staff and some relevant words of advice not only from Mr Warwood, Mrs Crawford and Mr Murphy but the likes of Craig Revel-Horwood and Philip Schofield no less!
Finally it was time for the students to leave. While many will be returning in September to join Arden Sixth Form for many this will be their last day at Arden. We would like to wish ALL our students the very best for their forthcoming exams and look forward to celebrating with them at the Prom on Friday 30 June.