Learning Support at Arden Academy
Arden Academy pursues a 'Whole School Policy' for Special Needs. We do our very best within our budget and expertise to support children with extra needs.
The furtherance of this policy will involve:
Supporting the school's aims and equal opportunities policy
Teachers being responsible for the progress of all pupils in their classes
Making help and support available to staff as they attempt to meet their responsibilities with respect to their special needs
Support being available to all pupils as necessary, within the limits of the school's resources, to enable them to follow the full National Curriculum, achieved by quality first teaching, effective differentiation and support
Ensuring all the resources of the school are used for the development of all pupils to meet their individual needs
Support being provided by individual subject areas and the Learning Support Department
The school maps its SEN provision and monitors it to ensure value for money and good progress of pupils
The SEND Governor for Arden is Ms Sarah Bloomer
Implementation of the Special Educational Needs Policy
The 2014 Special educational needs and disability Code of Practice is fully in place at Arden. The school uses the assess, plan, do and review approach as suggested in the code of practice. Students who are identified as having a special educational need are then, in consultation with parents, added to the register and strategies are shared with teaching staff and the appropriate support staff to ensure quality first teaching and effective differentiation takes place.
The Learning Support Team work with a number of external agencies, which support both the Academy and your family. They include:
Solihull SISS HI, VI and PI Service
Children’s Mental Health Services (SOLAR)
Solihull SENDIAS (Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Services for Parents
E.W.O. (Educational Welfare Officer)
School Nurse
SENCO: Mr S Anwar
Deputy Director of Learning Zone: Ms Ellie Ridler
Leader of Learning Support: Mrs R Baylis