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Excellence in Education

ARDEN Academy:

​​​​​​preparing you for a world of opportunity


Dr Webb is in place to track and monitor the academic progress of those pupils eligible for Pupil Premium. Where academic progress is considered to be a concern, additional support can be introduced through working with the intervention team, additional one to one tuition by subject specialists (English and Maths) or additional support within the classroom.

We have undertaken audits to ensure access to technology and our online facilities to enable us to loan equipment when necessary. If our school has to move to remote learning then we support our families eligible for FSM by providing vouchers equivalent to the value of the daily spend in school.

We have a pastoral support team in each Key Stage; they monitor Pupil Premium students and support them if there are any barriers to their learning to ensure maximum engagement. They have a non-teaching role and so are available to support vulnerable children throughout the school day.

Additional members of our Pastoral Team include a Student Support Officer, an intervention teacher, a Careers Advisor and additional adult support in lessons to support students who may be at risk of failing to achieve. These members of staff have a focus on working with identified children to ensure that they are able to achieve and understand the next steps in their education and future careers.

One of our key foci is supporting children with their attendance; our EWO has a percentage of her time allocated to monitoring and ensuring that children have high levels of attendance and punctuality. Children cannot learn if they are not in school and, as such, this will continue to be a key focus as we move through this academic year.

We recognise the value of support from external services. We employ the services of a Family Liaison Service – Malachi; this service provides support to families experiencing difficulties, with the aim of supporting family relationships and improving emotional resilience as this can have a significant impact on learning. We also employed the services of ‘dare2dream’ who offer a bespoke programme of support for students to improve their emotional well-being and in turn have a positive impact on mental health.

To ensure that all our students have opportunities to enjoy and achieve, we also provide additional support to children through the purchase of resources to support their learning; revision guides, music lessons, contributions to uniform, stationery, Year 11 Prom and Year Book and educational visits. These additional purchases are tailored to the child’s needs. We have chosen this approach to ensure that we address the potential barriers to learning that students may face. For some students this may or may not include educational barriers and social barriers as well; we also want to ensure that our Pupil Premium students have the same opportunities as other students.