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Excellence in Education

ARDEN Academy:

​​​​​​preparing you for a world of opportunity

Art and Design

At Arden students are given the opportunity to enhance and enrich their understanding of themselves and their world through the creation and appreciation of the visual arts, crafts and design. We aim to provide students with the skills, knowledge, inspiration and creativity that they need to develop as artists and we hope to arouse a love of art that they will take with them into their future lives.

During KS3 students cover a wide range of themes and skills. We believe it is important that the projects covered are as flexible and creative as possible to suit the needs of all learners. It is also important that we challenge all of our students to achieve their potential in Art and Design.

At KS4 students are given the opportunity to study for a GCSE in Art and Design. They are encouraged to pursue themes that they can connect to and styles of art that they find inspiring and will challenge them as creative individuals.

Courses offered at KS5 are A Level Art and Design: Fine Art and A Level Photography. Students are given the opportunity to develop as mature artists and photographers. They will explore the formal elements in more depth of visual art in more depth both practically and theoretically. Students will be challenged in their way of working in order to move beyond their comfort zone and develop new skills, techniques and approaches. They will have the opportunity to visit galleries as they expand their knowledge and awareness of artists and photographers which they will use for inspiration.