Our PSHE curriculum is covered in two separate lessons at Arden. ALL pupils receive one discrete lesson per fortnight called ‘Character and Personal Development’ and KS4 receive a second lesson called ‘PSHE’
In PSHE we aim to promote the highest standards of personal and interpersonal behaviour and contribute to offering the widest breadth of challenge and opportunity in a happy and caring environment. PSHE does not merely support the academic curriculum but has its own educational purpose supported by its own detailed schemes of work.
Main aims:
To help pupils to lead confident, healthy and responsible lives as individuals and members of society.
To empower pupils with the basic skills, experiences, knowledge and attitudes that are required to help them live healthily and deal with the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues they face as they approach adulthood. The pupils should be prepared to be active, confident and responsible members of society.
To provide opportunities to reflect on their experiences and how they are developing in order to help pupils manage responsibly a wider range of relationships.
To help develop pupils' well-being and self-esteem, encouraging belief in their ability to succeed and enabling them to take responsibility for their learning and future career choices.
The PSHE scheme of work is one that introduces topics to the pupils at the appropriate time and is a spiral/progressive system that allows, as much as possible, specific concepts to be revisited.