Design and Technology

The Design and Technology Department is a vibrant, exciting and forward thinking department. There are nine dedicated and enthusiastic members of staff in the department, including teaching staff and technicians. The Department is extremely busy with a large range of courses taking place at all levels. We have many extra-curricular opportunities including school house competitions, regional and national competitions. The Design and Technology Department also offers a large range of lunchtime clubs and after-school coursework classes that students can attend.

The Department is housed in The Smart Centre. The rooms in the Centre are multi-purpose. There are two Design and Technology workshops equipped with work benches, tools, machines, CAD/CAM machines and idesk computers. There are two design rooms used for Textiles as well as two specialist kitchens for Catering and Food and Nutrient. All rooms have learning walls with Smart Whiteboards or projectors and white boards.

The classrooms are positioned around The Atrium, which is a shared space for Key Stage Five students to use as well as students from Design and Technology. The Atrium has four idesk pods of computers so again can be a multi-purpose area.

Head of Design and Technology: Mr A Eades

Extra Curricular Activities

Tuesday: Year 7 Imagineering Club (STEM)*


Key Stage Information

At Arden, we feel that all students should have a wide and varied experience within their academic studies.
