At Arden, we use the OCR examination board for our GCSE PE course. The course is divided into four sections; two are examined externally at the end of the course and are each worth 30% of the final mark. Two are assessed internally and moderated externally. Each consists of three practical assessments plus a piece of written controlled assessment. The practical proportion is 30% and controlled assessment 10%. 



Contribution to total

Assessment Method

Time of Assessment

Paper 1 - Physical factors affecting performance



Summer – Year 11

Paper 2 - Socio-cultural issues and sports psychology



Summer – Year 11

Analysing and Evaluating Performance


Controlled Assessment

Spring/Summer Term –

Year 10

Practical Assessment x3 sports

10% each (30% total)

Practical throughout the course

Throughout the course – Year 10 and Year 11


Practical assessment is undertaken by the PE staff during GCSE and core lessons. Pupils may also be assessed during extra curricular activities. In some instances, pupils may wish to use an activity which is undertaken off site. In this instance, supporting video evidence must be submitted. Pupils should seek guidance from PE staff regarding the content of the video. Some filming of pupils on this course may occur within lessons or at extra curricular events.

Content overview

Component 01: Physical factors affecting performance

Students explore how parts of the human body function during physical activity and the physiological adaptations that can occur due to diet and training. They also develop skills in data analysis, and an understanding of the principles of training, why we train in different ways and how training plans can be made to optimise results.

Component 02: Socio-cultural issues and sports psychology

Students develop their knowledge of the social-cultural and psychological influences on levels of participation in sport, and also how sport impacts on society more broadly. This includes the individual benefits to health, fitness and well-being of participating in physical activity, as well as the influences of commercialisation, sponsorship and the media.

Component 03: Performance in physical education

Students are assessed in performing three practical activities and one performance analysis task. In the practical performance, they demonstrate effective performance, the use of tactics or techniques and the ability to observe the rules and conventions under applied conditions. They are also required to demonstrate their ability to analyse and evaluate their own performance to produce an action plan for improvement.

Students are assessed in 3 sports

2 x individual and 1 x team


1 x individual and 2 x team


Skills criteria for practical activities – Individual


Skills criteria for practical activities – Team