Stretch and Challenge
These ‘Stretch and Challenge’ pages are intended to help your son or daughter to take responsibility for some of their own learning at Arden. In lessons there will be occasions when they may like to increase the difficulty of the work, try an additional task or link their learning across subjects. It may be that their learning at home or in extra curricular studies could enable them to take their classroom learning to the next level. There will be explanations as to how your son or daughter can initiate this learning with the support of their teacher.
‘Going for Gold’ in English? The English Department are keen to help you to achieve your academic goals and offer the following information which should assist you.
Challenging yourself in Geography is all about independent learning. Geography is everywhere, not just in the classroom! Observe the world and how it connects with...
Here's what you can do to stretch and challenge yourself in History lessons...
There are several ways to stretch and challenge yourself within the Computing curriculum...
Modern Foreign Languages
Key Stage advice about enhancing your learning experience of Modern Foreign Languages.
Performing Arts
Ideas and advice to help challenge and stretch you in both Music and Drama.
Do you love thinking about questions and exploring issues in a deeper way? Would you like to be stretched and challenged in RE beyond your lessons?