Key Stage 3
- Extension tasks that push your learning - maybe advanced features used and annotated in all tasks.
- Exam questions which allow you to explain your understanding of skills used.
- Working with Sixth Form helpers during lessons or arranging a one to one session at lunchtime.
- Independent tasks and Take it Further (TIF) that allow you the freedom to complete work in the most imaginative way possible and so that you can direct your own learning and pose questions for yourself.
Key stage 4
- Offer mentoring and support to KS3 pupils
- Develop a programme to allow other pupils to access new software or concepts.
- The promotion of studying Creative IMedia and Computer Science at A Level and even Degree Level.
- Using IT/Digital Literacy skills in all other subjects, as this will help you apply your subject knowledge and make any work look professional and clear.
Key Stage 5
This stage of your education is preparing you for the world of work or further education. With this in mind the way that you approach the course should be different.
- Independent Work - you should be taking ownership of your own learning, reading around the subject and doing extra work at home making sure you fully understand concepts
- Becoming a Sixth Form Mentor - come along to lower school lessons and share your understanding. A programme can be tailored to your available study periods.