'Ditch the Label'

Students had a non-uniform day on 19 December to support Arden Year 11 Leadership team in their campaign against bullying and to support the school in campaigning against bullying.


  • 69% of young people in the UK experience bullying before the age of 18
  • Over 2.5 million youths are bullied each year and 550,547 are bullied every single day.

'Ditch the label' are an ambitious and energetic team of adults and teens working with schools, colleges, youths and parents from across the UK to help reduce the prominence and harmful effect of bullying within the UK's education system. They currently operate their own peer-to-peer online support community which has over 34,000 members worldwide. They also work closely with schools and colleges to help them better understand and manage bullying within their communities. For for information please visit their website: http://www.ditchthelabel.org/

The total raised on the day was £1575.87

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this very worthwhile cause.