Arden Sixth Form Open Evening is on Thursday 21st November 2024.
Visit our Sixth Form page to book your place.
I would like to wish you a very warm welcome to Arden. We are an exciting and ambitious school that strives daily to ensure opportunities for all of our students and staff. We pride ourselves on our "Arden Family", a supportive and caring culture that ensures an environment exists where students can be pushed and challenged to achieve their potential and where our highly skilled staff can deliver the highest levels of inspiring and engaging learning.
Through our broad curriculum and our extensive array of co-curricular opportunities, we provide opportunity for all students to find their passion and to achieve their potential in their chosen pathways. The Co-curricular opportunities on offer add depth and variety to our students learning, ensuring that school fulfils a far greater role than just the delivery of a curriculum.
Arden is an ambitious and aspirational school. Our students value education and recognise the crucial role it plays in ensuring that they are prepared to enter the worlds of further education and work as skilled and resilient members of the community. We are very proud of the exam results that our students achieve and the fact that they leave us well equipped for the next stages in their lives at the age of 16 or, for a majority, 18
Dave Warwood
Associate Headteacher
September 2023
"I am inordinately proud of Arden students and staff who, by working together as a successful and cohesive team, exemplify the Arden values of ‘friendship, respect, excellence, equality, courage, determination and inspiration’. These values are at the very heart of Arden’s ethos and are the code by which we all aspire to live and learn."
“Arden's A Level results are consistently exceptional. Recent pass rates have been in excess of 99% in every single A Level subject'.”
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