Archive: 2019
Arden Open Evening & Open Morning - 2019
Thursday 26 September 6.00-8.30pm for Parents and students
Year 10 Study Visit to Belgium
After arriving at school at midnight, we set off on our journey. Apart from a quick stop at 2am we drove through the night to the ferry which was a...
Year 9 visit to Harry Potter World
Back in December a group of Year 9 students interested in pursuing a career in the creative arts took a trip to Harry Potter World.
Year 12 Physics trip to CERN, Switzerland
On Thursday 24th January, 19 students along with Dr Hayes and Mr Sandford boarded a plane bound for Geneva.
Year 8 and 9 History Ambassador’s visit
On 21st January, Year 8 and 9 History Ambassadors attended a screening of ‘No Asylum: The Untold Chapter of Anne Frank’s Story’ at Solihull School.